Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mer Sensations

I've been working on my first Merworld fantasy for over 1 1/2 years. My attempts to write first person as a merman have been challenging. How would it be to be Mer?

I have taken the approach of truly considering Mer as half fish half man. Questions surface in this perspective. what would a Mer man or maid have on their mind? How do Mer sense and how can this be translated to the written word?

I find the best approach is to swim and pretend to be Mer. Thoughts and considerations ripple in my direction. Swimming around, I discover my inner Mer.

My brother Chris is a fish biologists. I've asked him about fish sensations. He described what is called a lateral line along the sides of any fish. Fish use this line to sense movement in water. It is pretty cool!It all adds to the story.

Mer sensations may be viewed in ways I've not considered. I'm open to suggestions. Since I've noted zero blog hits so far, I may just rely on myself.

Surf's up, let's frug!

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